Friday, 30 October 2009

Failmanifesto fail

Someone pointed me to:

LOL, but why is Maven singled out as the only technology worth directly criticizing? Surely there's another product which is actually crap worth singling out?

Having suffered for a year with a hideous stinking pile of Ant scripts written by consultants who, for dogmatic reasons never adequately explained (of course), wouldn't use Maven, and yet tried to replicate nearly every compelling feature of it using Ant in a sick twisted evil way, e.g. Ivy for dependency resolution, Maven-goal-style targets and life-cycle hooks and more, Maven is now clearing the air with it's simple sanity.

Yes, it seems like magic, which is presumably why people don't like it because they want to tinker, but it works, and I don't have to read voluminous imported build.xml files to work out how to build something any more, and I can build, test and deploy a web application, it's dependencies AND it's dependent web-applications using a single command line (with the cargo plug-in), and far, far fewer lines of XML.